

This website does not represent all South Australian tourism products, only those that participate in the quality assurance programs administered by the SA Tourism Industry Council and are distributed through the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse. 

All bookings made through this website are made directly with the operator(s). You are advised to check the operators’ own terms and conditions before booking.


The Tourism Industry Council SA is South Australia’s peak tourism industry body. It is an independent, not-for-profit, membership based, incorporated association. 

The SA Tourism Industry Council is incorporated under the South Australian Associations Incorporations Act 1984 section 22(4) Incorporation Number: A40186 

Industry standards, quality and professionalism are core objectives of the SA Tourism Industry Council. We offer accreditation / certification, business development and training programs to the tourism industry.



Quality Assurance Programs

If you would like to find out more about becoming a quality assured and or Ecotourism certified tourism business and be listed on this website, contact [email protected]

South Australian Tourism Awards

For information on the South Australian Tourism Awards contact [email protected] or visit www.satourismawards.com.au

Joining SATIC

Tourism is everybody’s business and everyone is encouraged to join.

Members of SA Tourism Industry Council include: hospitality businesses; events; accommodation providers; wineries; restaurateurs; airlines; retailers; tour operators; legal, accountancy and professional firms; attractions; developers; training providers; local government agencies, travel agents and regional tourism organisations.

For information on joining the SA Tourism Industry Council contact [email protected] or visit ticsa.com.au